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Friday, August 24, 2007

Mearsheimer & Walt: 'The Wrong Guys'

If Professors Mearsheimer and Walt had simply critiqued AIPAC in an accurate way, there would have been no big uproar. There also would have been no big attention paid them, nor big sales pumped up for their forthcoming book, to be released Sept. 4 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. But they actually lump together AIPAC with virtually anyone who is pro-Israel, including peaceniks.

At last summer's conference of the World Union of Meretz, Yossi Beilin told Meretz supporters from around the world last year that he saw "hatred" in their work; I responded when given the podium that it wasn't exactly hatred but rather "animus" or hostility. Beilin went on to explain how AIPAC had actually worked against Israeli policy when he was a member of the Rabin and Barak governments — e.g., lobbying Congress against Israeli efforts to free up aid to the Palestinian Authority.

There is a disturbing parallel between Mearsheimer-Walt accusing the "Israel Lobby" of causing the war in Iraq (which is what they basically contend) with the Nazis' "The Jews stabbed us in the back" narrative about World War I. There's a hard-to-calibrate combination of obtuseness and perniciousness in M-W's entire approach, very much a departure from the high standard of scholarship that one would expect from them.

I'm especially disturbed that (according to The Forward) their book appears not to have corrected gross out-of-context misstatements and distortions in their work. While acknowledging that AIPAC and others close to it are eminently open to criticism, we should also be very forthright in finding fault with M & W. If you haven't already, you should look at this editorial in The Forward.

As The Forward indicates:
There are substantial numbers of true moderates in this country who believe deeply in the need for Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation. They struggle to make their voices heard in a hostile political and communal environment, and they naturally look for spokesmen who can capture the public’s attention and help unite and mobilize the peace camp — including, most recently, scholars Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer. We are sympathetic to this quest for leadership, but after firsthand experience of these scholars’ definition of “opening the debate,” we feel compelled to speak up: They’re the wrong guys.

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