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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Slippery Place in the U.S. Work Force

Even though the current economic downturn has hit illegal immigrants especially hard, they are reluctant to leave the U.S. because they have homes and families here. And have been here so long, they don't really have a place to go back to. - - Donna Poisl


MORRISTOWN, Tenn. — The faithful stand and hold their hands high, raising a crescendo of prayer for abundance and grace. In the evangelical church where they are gathered, the folding chairs are filled with immigrants from Latin America.

Balbino López Hernández, who came here illegally from Mexico, closes his eyes to join the hallelujahs. But after the service Mr. López, 28, a factory worker who has been unemployed since June, shares his worries about jobs and immigration raids with other worshipers.

Like many places across the United States, this factory town in eastern Tennessee has been transformed in the last decade by the arrival of Hispanic immigrants, many of whom are in this country illegally. Thousands of workers like Mr. López settled in Morristown, taking the lowest-paying elbow-grease jobs, some hazardous, in chicken plants and furniture factories.
Be sure to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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