Following a very positive conversation via Facebook with the editor, Dr James H. Armstrong, it has been agreed that Reformation & Revival journal (1992-2005) will be made freely available via the Web. Dr Armstrong has kindly offered to supply me with a full set of back-issues and digitisation work will start in earnest when these arrive in a few weeks time.
In the meantime I have already completed Volume 4.1 and the contents are now available below in PDF. Each issue of Reformation & Revival focused on a specific theme aimed at "the intelligent layman" and one covers Spiritual Warfare.
Several of the articles here provide a clear biblical critique of the idea that Christians can be possessed (controlled, infested, attached, entered, inhabited, indwelt, bound or enslaved) by demons and concentrate mainly on the teaching of Neil T. Anderson in this area. However, the critiques are equally applicable to the works of Peter Horrobin and Ellel Ministries and are well-worth reading.
John H. Armstrong, "Editor's Introduction," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 9-10.
Tom Austin, "On the Demonisation of Believers," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 11-28.
Wayne A. Detzler, "Myths About Spiritual Warfare," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 29-42.
Chuck Huckaby, "Spiritual Warfare in the Book of Numbers," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 43-56.
Scott Souza, "Is It War, Or Is It Life?" Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 57-68.
Robert H. Lescelius, "Revival and Spiritual Warfare," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 69-84.
Steven Fernandez, "The Deliverance Model of Spirtual Warfare," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 85-114.
Gary Johnson, "A Review Article," Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 115-140.
Annotated Bibliography, Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 141-146.
Book Reviews, Reformation & Revival 4.1 (Winter 1995): 147-171.
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