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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Revelation and the Bible" to be placed online

Carl F.H. Henry, editor, Revelation and the Bible: Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1958 / London: The Tyndale Press, 1959.

With the help of members of the Theology on the Web Facebook Group I have been able to contact the literary executor of the late Dr Carl F.H. Henry and I am delighted to be able to report that I have been granted permission to place the entire contents of this book on-line.

As you will see from the Table of Contents (below) all the articles look really interesting. I have added them to my long "to do" list, but would like to place one of them online straight away. I am therefore going to ask my readers to vote on which one they would most like to read by leaving a comment below. The closing date for suggestions is 12th April.

Table of Contents

Preface by Carl F.H. Henry, pp.7-10
1 G.C. Berkouwer - General and Special Divine Revelation, pp.11-24
2 Gordon H. Clark - Special Divine Revelation as Rational, pp.25-41
3 Paul K. Jewett - Special Revelation as Historical and Personal, pp.43-57
4 William J. Martin - Special Revelation as Objective, pp.59-72
5 N.B. Stonehouse - Special Revelation as Scriptural, pp.73-86
6 James I. Packer - Contemporary Views of Revelation, pp.87-104
7 Alan M. Stibbs - The Witness of Scripture to its Inspiration, pp.105-118
8 Pierre Ch. Marcel - Our Lord's Use of Scripture, pp.119-134
9 Roger Nicole - New Testament Use of the Old Testament, pp.135-151
10 Edward J. Young - The Canon of the Old Testament, pp.153-168
11 G. Douglas Young - The Apocrypha, pp.169-185
12 Herman Ridderbos - The Canon of the New Testament, pp.187-201
13 Geoffrey W. Bromiley - The Church Doctrine of Inspiration, pp.203-217
14 R.A. Finlayson - Contemporary Ideas of Inspiration, pp.219-234
15 Everett F. Harrison - The Phenomena of Scripture, pp.235-250
16 Bernard Ramm - The Evidence of Prophecy and Miracle, 251-263
17 J. Theodore Mueller - The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures, pp.265-281
18 Ernest F. Kevan - The Principles of Interpretation, pp.283-298
19 Donald J. Wiseman - Archaeological Confirmation of the Old Testament, pp.299-316
20 F.F. Bruce - Archaeological Confirmation of the New Testament, pp.317-331
21 N.H. Ridderbos - Reversals of Old Testament Criticism, pp.333-350
22 Merrill C. Tenney - Reversals of New Testament Criticism, pp.351-367
23 J. Norval Geldenhuys - Authority and the Bible, pp.369-386
24 Frank E. Gaebelein - The Unity of the Bible, pp.87-401

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