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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Google Maps just got more secure.  We've introduced a new feature for Google Maps API Premier, allowing our enterprise customers to access Google Maps API Premier securely over https.  This means all communications between the customer's website and the Google Maps servers are sent securely, and offers a better experience to people looking at the maps on secure web pages.

Previously, when a Google Map was embedded in an encrypted web page, users would get a pop-up message saying the page included both secure and non-secure content.  No one likes pop-up messages and the extra clicks they require.  We heard from several companies using Google Maps API Premier on secure pages who wanted to improve the user experience.   We value the product input we get from our customers and we're pleased to be able to accommodate this request.

Several companies have already started using the secure Google Maps API Premier.  For example, Thomson Reuters has started to implement secure Google Maps as part of their Healthcare website.  Other uses include ATM or branch locators for banking websites and 
secure websites with sensitive customer data.

This new feature is only available with Google Maps API Premier.  So, if you want to put fast, user-friendly maps on your secure website,
contact us.  If you're already experiencing the benefits of Google Maps API Premier and want to start using this feature, please contact customer support.

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