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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our Opinion -- Independence Day

These immigrant brothers are serving in Iraq and will become U.S. citizens there today. Another brother became a citizen while serving in Iraq two years ago. They have to serve and also pass the test to become citizens. - - Donna Poisl

Citizen soldiers.

From the editorial board, columnists and readers

When Victor and Miguel Mendoza take the oath of allegiance to become U.S. citizens on July Fourth, the words "support and defend" will have special meaning to them.

The brothers, Mexican immigrants who came to America in 1994, will speak that oath in Baghdad, where both are on duty fighting for their adopted nation. A third brother, Jose, served in the Iraq war, too. In what's becoming a family tradition, he became a citizen on July Fourth in Baghdad two years ago.

The Mendozas represent the best of what the nation is celebrating this Independence Day weekend — liberty, freedom and the sacrifice it takes to keep them strong. They symbolize what's right with America, a nation of immigrants that was built by opening its doors.
Click on the headline to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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