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Monday, November 2, 2009

Trans World Expedition: The Really Long Way Around!

In a few short weeks time, Nicolas Rapp will be setting out on quite an adventure, and thanks to his blog, we'll all get to go along for the ride. And what a ride it is going to be.

On November 15th, the former art director for the Associated Press, will set out on his Trans World Expedition, in which he'll be driving around the world. Nick recently quit his job and is now focused on his preparations for the road, which includes getting his 1996 Toyota Land Cruiser prepared for the challenges ahead. The versatile and ubiquitous off road vehicle is the perfect choice for this journey, since parts are cheap and easy to find all over the world, and it can cross a variety of terrains easily and comfortably. This LC has seen its suspension and bumpers reinforced, a storage system added, and a roof top tent installed, which will give Nick a place to live in the weeks ahead, without having to find a hotel or hostel along the way.

Nick gives good details on his intended route on his website. He'll begin in New York City and head south through the U.S., down into Mexico, and eventually Central and South America. From there, he'll ship his vehicle across the Atlantic to South Africa, where he'll then proceed to drive up the Western Coast of Africa and into Europe, where he'll make a right hand turn and continue heading east until he hits the Pacific Ocean, where he'll once again ship the Land Cruiser back to the States. Once home in the U.S., he'll complete the drive cross country, ending up where he started, back in New York City.

Rapp expects that the journey will take roughly one year, and he has budgeted $46,000 for the adventure. That money has covered the vehicle and its upgrades, as well as the costs for shipping it across the oceans. He's also had to pay for travel visas, vaccinations, and maps, putting the remaining funds into his emergency kitty for the road.

This looks like a cool way to see the world. Makes me want to buy a Land Cruiser and hit the open road myself. Anyone up for a road trip?

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