
Outdoor gear continues to improve in a variety of ways. It is now warmer, lighter, and more durable then ever. We've seen jackets and boots that charge our devices while warming us with built in heaters, but the RLX Aerotype Jacket from Ralph Lauren may be the most practical of all.
The jacket, which generally runs $1290 but is currently on sale for $780, is not only stylish on the slopes, but also includes integrated controls for your iPod, so you always have easy access to your tunes. But perhaps even more interesting, is the inclusion of the Recco Avalanche Rescue System, which means you can shred the hill all day, in bounds or out, without fear of being lost.
The Recco System uses a special set of detectors and reflectors that allow rescue groups to pin point the location of someone buried in an avalanche in a very fast and accurate fashion. The system is employed by more than 600 organizations around the globe, and those reflectors are integrated into this jacket, ensuring a quick rescue should the need arise.
Of course, the price point of the jacket puts it well out of the range of most people, and while the integrated technology does add to the price, I get the feeling the logo on the front doesn't help either. ;)
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