
At last weeks Winter Outdoor Retailer conference , a lot of new outdoor gear was shown off and introduced to the public. As I mentioned last week, much of what I saw, from afar mind you, was mostly evolutionary and not necessarily revolutionary. One product that did stick out however, was the new "Super Suit" from Champion that will be used by the Climb With Us Team this year on Everest.
What makes the Super Suit special you ask? Simple, it is just 3 millimeters thick. Yep. You read that right. The gear is very thin, and according to Champion's PR, it still manages to provide the same level of warmth as a typical down parka worn on the mountain. Those traditional jackets are as much 40 millimeters thick, so as you can imagine, this is a significant increase in mobility while cutting gear weight at bulk at the same time. To put this into further perspective, Champion says that the suit, jacket and pants, are roughly the same thickness as your mouse pad.
You can find out a lot more about the Super Suit by clicking here. Much of it is marketing stuff, but you'll get an idea of what kinds of gear they'll be offering and what the team will be trying out while climbing on Everest in a few months. The prospects of this thinner, lighter, gear is really amazing, and if it performs as well as expected, it could be a major step forward in keeping us warm in remote places. At this time though, we still don't know when it will be released to the rest of us and how much it is going to cost.
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