Sleeping bags are another piece of gear that are crucial to our comfort while out on the trail. Whether it's snuggling up inside one at the end of the day or carrying one in our pack, we all want a bag that is light, versatile, and works well in the weather conditions in which we use it. In other words, we want it to keep us warm and dry in what ever weather we encounter. I recently had the opportunity to test out the Kotey bag from Eureka, and found that it fits that description, and does so in a small package.
The first thing I noticed was how small and light the Kotey was. When stored properly inside it's included bag, it compresses down to a very small size, allowing it to fit neatly inside your backpack without taking up much room at all. On top of that, the bag weighs just a shade over 2 pounds, which means that it's not going to significantly impact the amount of weight you're carrying while lugging it around all day.
Made from synthetic materials, the Kotey is rated for temperatures down to 35ºF (2ºC), which makes it ideal for spring and fall camping, and cooler summer nights depending on your location. Obviously, for winter camping, you'll want something a bit warmer. While I didn't get the chance to test it in sub-40º weather, I did find that this mummy-style sleeping bag kept me comfortable and snug. There was also plenty of room inside for my longer 6'2" frame, despite the bag not being rated for my size.
Eureka is a company well known for its excellent tents, with great options for backpackers and families alike. Their line of sleeping bags displays the same high quality design and construction, showing that as a company they "get it" it in terms of what we want while out on the trail. Lightweight, high quality products that allow us to enjoy our time in the backcountry. Small, but highly appreciated touches, like an internal pocked, perfect for storing your iPod, are just one example of the conveniences that this bag has to offer. Those touches will help you to really like this bag a lot, but it's small size and weight will make you love it.
MSRP for the Kotey is $95 but it can be found online at discounts too. If you're in the market for a good 3-season bag, this is definitely a winner. Now does someone have any suggestions for a 4-season bag for the Himalaya this spring?
Disclaimer: The Kotey that I tested was proved by Eureka for this review.
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