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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Latino vote in 2012 may hinge on whether Dems can pass immigration reform

I guess it is time the promises are kept. - - Donna Poisl

By Allison Sherry, The Denver Post

Two years ago, Latinos were promised work on immigration reform, passage of the DREAM Act and economic recovery if they ushered Barack Obama into the presidency.

Then, this fall, after none of that happened, they were asked to stay with the Democrats.

On Spanish-language radio, Obama beseeched listeners to stick by him. On television commercials and in stump speeches, Latinos were told that Tea Party candidates were scary and extreme and wouldn't represent their interests.

Again, Latinos were promised work toward comprehensive immigration reform and the DREAM Act, a better economy and more jobs.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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