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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Anti-Immigrant Bill in Congress

Adam Luna, America’s Voice

Have you been wondering what the new far-right leaders in Congress have up their sleeves on immigration? Well, wonder no more.

Today, a dangerous new anti-immigrant bill began a fast-track through the House of Representatives.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that this bill is the single biggest threat to immigrant communities we’ve seen in many years, and we must defeat it.

The proposed legislation is called “Mandatory E-Verify” and its stated purpose is to get all undocumented workers in America fired from their jobs and prevent them from getting new ones.

Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director here at AV (and our resident policy guru) did a great job of breaking it all down in her article today. She writes:

Two of the masterminds behind the GOP's mass deportation (of immigrants) strategy, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith and Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Elton Gallegly are introducing new legislation intended to bring about their extremist fantasy: the expulsion of 11 million undocumented immigrants and their families.
Read the rest of the article and share it with your friends.

The extremists have developed a strategy to force millions of immigrants out of the country: Make the lives of immigrants so unbearable that they are forced to make the painful decision to uproot their families and leave on their own. Depriving immigrant families of an income -- exactly what mandatory e-verify aims to do -- is the cornerstone of their morally backwards plan.

Our movement has proven time and again that we can win real victories for real people, and I’m confident that we have the power to win this one, though this victory will not come easily.

The first step towards building this successful campaign is to know the facts. Please click the headline to read more about Mandatory E-Verify and what’s at stake.

Thank you for all that you’ve done, and for all that you will do in the upcoming fight.


Adam Luna
America’s Voice

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