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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Farm industry's dilemma highlights need for reform

Something or someone had to wake people up about the harsh new immigrant laws, maybe farmers will be the ones that make everyone listen. - - Donna Poisl

from / Opinions

Nothing exposes the flaws in a bad law quicker than vigorous enforcement.
That axiom makes a proposal that would prevent farmers from hiring illegal immigrants intriguing -- and frightening.

It's hard to imagine that the stalemate about immigration reform could survive the mess that would ensue. But the staggering economic cost is too high a price to pay.

U.S. ag sales topped $297 billion in 2007, according the Department of Agriculture. Any hit to the industry would ripple through the nation's already shaky economy.

And the agriculture industry predicts much more than a hit. Officials see disaster if Congress goes ahead with a plan to require all employers to run their workers through the E-Verify system.
Click on the headline above to read the rest of this story! This is only a small part of it.

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