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Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Online Trail Running Mag Hits The Web

A newly launched online magazine entitled Trail Run looks to be a great new resource for outdoor athletes everywhere, despite the fact that the e-zine is focused on trail running in Australia and New Zealand. The first issue of the new periodical was released just a few days ago, and it is packed full of great information for trail runners, even if they aren't from Down Under. Best of all, the mag is absolutely free!

While Tail Run does show off it's geographical roots, many of the articles will be of interest to runners everywhere. For example, the first issue includes reviews of all kinds of gear that will prove useful on any trail, whether its in the Outback or the Alps. There are also practical articles about preventing chafing, long distance speed trekking, and more. That's not all however, as the issue also includes an excellent interview with Kiwi ultrarunner Lisa Tamati, who is gearing up for a 222km (138 mile) run through the Himalaya, and a look at the proper food and nutrition necessary to fuel a long distance adventure.

That's just scratching the surface however, as there is plenty more in the first issue as well. In fact, the .PDF file for Trail Run is a massive 65MB in size. In other words, makes sure you're reading it on a suitably beefy device, or you may find the experience a bit sluggish. Aside from that, I think you'll be very impressed with the quality of the writing and the overall product of the e-zine. The inaugural issue has set a high bar for others to follow, and if this first release is any indication, Trail Run has a bright future ahead of it.

Book mark the website and download the first issue now. You'll be glad you did.


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