Yet a lot of the same faces.
The results:
1st place
Thuan Nguyen, Los Angeles Petanque Club (LAPC)
Christian Triay (LAPC)
Pascal Corchia, La Boule du Desert (Palm Desert, CA, residing in Dallas, TX)
they will respresent the USA in Dakar, Senegal in Sept 2008
2nd place
Alec Stone Sweet, La Boule New Yorkaise (LBNY)
Xavier Thibaud (LBNY)
Nghia Ngo, National Capitol Club de Petanque (Washington, DC, residing in Lousisiana)
they won last year and are going to the World Cup in Pattaya, Thailand this September.
3rd place
Joe Cortright, Portland Petanque Club (PPC)
Lavant Woolfe, Walla Walla Petanque Club. Walla Walla, Washington
Desmond Grattan, PPC
they were the surprise team in Boca last November, and still going strong!
4th place
Peter Mathis, Valley of the Moon Petanque Club (VOMPC)
Juan Garcia, Boca Petanque 2000
Mamary Coulibaly, LBNY
a truly international ànd nationwide team.
Congrats to all!
More info on the FPUSA blog.

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