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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Immigrant Children in Legal Limbo

Please read and leave positive comments. There are undoubtedly many negative comments. leave a positive one. -- Donna Poisl

From United We Dream coalition

The New York Times has published a piece on the DREAM Act. We need help from you to make sure that the discussion around this piece remains positive and supportive of the students who put themselves out there.

Please read and leave positive comments.

Tamar Jacoby, ImmigrationWorks USA
Mark Krikorian, Center for Immigration Studies
Nick, Dream Act Portal
Hiroshi Motomura, U.C.L.A. law professor

Sample Talking Points:
Too many immigrant kids who grew up in the United States, who call America home, and who want nothing more than to contribute to American society, are being denied a fair opportunity to earn their citizenship.

The problem is not the immigrant youth, it is the outdated system that ignores them. Our outdated immigration system is not responsive to America's needs.

The problem is the outdated immigration system that deprives hope from thousands of kids who graduate from our high schools, and deprives communities from tapping the talents and potentials of valuable contributors to our society and economy. The government is ignoring reality, pretending that these kids aren't American. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away, but will only make things worse.

The DREAM Act is a practical, fair solution that upholds the best of our shared American values of fair opportunity, accountability, and strong work ethics.

The DREAM Act is tough, but fair: The DREAM Act does not punish the innocent, but also sets tough but fair rules. For an immigrant student to qualify, he/she must have lived in the US for at least 5 years, earn a high school diploma, show good moral character, and be committed to go to college or enter military service.

The United States of America should not discriminate, and should recognize that every child growing up in America deserves a fair and equal opportunity at a chance to become a productive member of our society. The United States should ensure fairness in ALL of its policies on education and children.

We should not punish any innocent kid in America for something that's out of their control. We should treat all our high school graduates with fairness. We should not be unfairly rewarding or punishing any of our students for who their parents happen to be.

The immigrant kids who rest their hopes on the DREAM Act want to pay their fair and full share of fees and tuition, the same as any other student in America. This DREAM Act is about FAIRNESS, and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for ALL. We should live up to our tradition as a society that believes in fairness and justice, and strive to treat all residents with fairness and equality.


United We Dream coalition
P.O. Box 7552
Ann Arbor, MI 48107

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