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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Liberal Zionism

This is what Meretz stands for. Carlo Strenger articulates the progressive Zionists' creed.

Liberal Zionism - by Carlo Strenger, Haaretz

Zionism didn't begin as a unitary ideology. There was Theodor Herzl's liberal Zionism; Ahad Ha'am's and Judah Magnes' cultural Zionism. Socialist Zionism initially carried the day, dominating Israeli politics for the country's first three decades. In the remaining decades revisionist Zionism took over, fused with the messianic Zionism that gave religious significance to land and none to human rights.

Until a few decades ago, discussion between the different streams of Zionism was still possible. Now, alas, the self-appointed representatives of the Zionist cause - primarily from the right - make it seem as if Zionism requires blind allegiance to Israeli governments; that a Zionist is someone who admires Jewish power, whatever form it takes; and that Zionism requires shutting off your critical faculties. They have made a habit of calling all those who disagree with them 'post-Zionists' and accusing them of disloyalty.

Well, that makes Herzl and Ahad Ha'am post-Zionists avant la lettre.

Read the rest of this column at the Haaretz website.

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