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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Solo Sailing Update: Laura Dekker's Fate To Be Decided Next Week

14-year old Laura Dekker's plans to sail solo around the world received both good and bad news this week, as the courts in the Netherlands have announced that they'll decide her fate next Tuesday, July 27th. If they rule in her favor, she could potentially set sail immediately on her voyage.

Laura did receive permission from one very important person to being the journey – her mom! Laura's mother, who is divorced from her father, has  been a bit hesitant to allow her daughter to sail at times in the past, but she has now given her blessings, saying "Of course no mother on earth likes it if her daughter goes to sea alone. I will have sleepless nights from the worry, but this is about Laura and how I can help her."

Meanwhile, the authorities who will actually decide whether or not she can set sail are divided on their opinions. Social works that have been working directly with the family are now asking the courts to allow Laura to go on her adventure, but the national child protective services department disagrees and they feel she shouldn't be allowed to sail for at least a year. 
Which one of the two sides will prevail remains to be seen, and the decision sits in the hands of the judges who will handing down their ruling next Tuesday. 

Laura has taken advantage of her delays to develop her first aid skills, register for distance learning classes so she can continue her education, and worked on her ability to solo sail for longer distances while staying awake and attentive. All skills that will serve her well on this voyage if she is allowed to go.

So? What are your thoughts? The current record for youngest to sail around the world is Jessica Watson of course, who finished up in May and completed the journey a few days shy of her 17th birthday. Should a 14 year old be allowed to chase that record now?

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